“Watermelon socks fer dayz”

FullSizeRender (19) FullSizeRender (18)      Here are two guys that caught my attention, hmm and I mean by personality and by their socks. Originally I had seen Colin’s watermelon socks and was amazed, I mean fruit on socks! Came the day I decided to take pictures, apparently both decided to wear their socks, so I took both of their pictures. Holden and Colin are both amazing guys with friendly and outgoing personalities. I think I can say both are on point with their socks! Ya know what I mean.

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I couldn’t stop laughing as Colin told me he “like the look of watermelons in general and I always get compliments at the skate park and everywhere”. Just like me he thought watermelons on socks was the best idea ever. Holden had a similar thought ” you don’t see these all the time, they are different and when people do see them you get compliments.” These socks are different yes, but they show a characteristic of someone you don’t normally see. When I had asked them why they liked the socks, you could see they had a connection. Find something different, you can really connect to.